New organizations join GREENevada

Happy Earth Day!

GREENevada has a special announcement for this year’s Earth Day: we’re growing! We would like to welcome five new member organizations, US Green Building Council-Nevada, US Fish & Wildlife Service (Northern Nevada Office), Great Basin Outdoor School, River Wranglers, and Carson Water Subconservancy District!

Since its inception as a collaborative partnership in 2010, GREENevada has hosted two years of High School Sustainability Plan Competitions, including $45,000 in prizes to support implementation of the student’s projects. We have hosted leadership retreats for students and teachers, sharing our expertise in all areas of sustainability while assisting with project planning and implementation. These included team building exercises and collaboration between schools. We have engaged students in community projects and community members in school programs.

This year, in addition to our fall leadership retreat, we have led an Idle-Free Schools campaign at high schools across Washoe County School District. This campaign engages students and parents to reduce fuel usage and pollution outside our schools. With new organizations joining the collaboration, we are excited to expand our impact and continue Growing Resources for Environmental Education in Nevada!
By David Gibson

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