Honoring Organizations and Individuals for their Sustainability Efforts in Our Community
The 2016 Golden PineCone Awards was hosted by GREENevada and took place on Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at the Peppermill Resort Spa Casino in Reno, NV.
Winners were chosen in each of the following nine (9) categories:
Educator – Leigh Metcalfe, Teacher, Reed High School
Educational Program – Project ReCharge-Envirolution/ UNR/Raggio Research Center for STEM Education
Individual / Volunteer – Sue Jacox, Founder and Board President, Great Basin Outdoor School
Nonprofit Organization or Federal/State Agency – Sierra Nevada Journeys – Reno
Medium to Large Business – One Nevada Credit Union – Reno
Small Business – Envirohaven – Reno, NV
Public Figure / Servant / Agency Representative – Carol Perry, Trip Reduction Specialist, Regional Transportation Commission
Youth Leadership – Cecy Cervantes, Student Assistant, USAC, Sparks, NV
Innovation Award – Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful/Nevada Land Trust for the One Truckee River Management Plan
The Golden PineCone Awards is a legacy event initiated by Environmental Leadership and run for more than 25 years by Environmental Leadership, Nevada EcoNET and more recently greenUP! GREENevada hosted a dinner event to honor award recipients and their communities.
The evening was enjoyed with Environmental Groups from all over Reno whose mission is to make our region cleaner, healthier and more desirable to live in. It was an eventful evening:
Music by Boondoggle
- Youth Leadership: Celeste Tinajero, Reed High School
- Educational Program: NV Energy greenpower program/ Fayth Ross
- Public Figure: Washoe County Commissioner Kitty Jung
- Business: Renu Oil of America, Inc., Las Vegas
- Nonprofit: Snowlands Network
- Individual: Erik Holland
Ernie Adler (1991)
Willie Albright (2002)
Leslie Allen (2008)
American Land Conservancy (1997)
AT&T Real Yellow Pages (2008)
Black Rock Solar (2008)
Bruce Bledsoe (2001)
David Bobzien (2007)
Karen Boeger (2003)
Tod Bedrosian (2007)
Jenny Brekhus (2003)
Faith Bremner (2000)
Richard Bryan (1994)
Caesars Entertainment Northern Nevada (2011)
Michael Cameron CANWIN (1994)
Carson City Open Space Advisory Committee (2011)
Champions of the River (1998)
Graham Chisholm (1998)
Citizen Alert (1988)
Glen Clemmer (2005)
Comstock Seed (2000)
Kyle Davis (2008)
Frankie Sue Del Papa (1995)
Kevin Dick (2000)
Susan Donaldson (2004)
Naomi Duerr (2000)
Mike Dwyer (2002)
Environmental Leadership (1991)
Vivian Freeman (1989)
Friends of Nevada Wilderness (2010)
Full Circle Compost (2003)
Joanne Garret (2005)
Jason Geddes (2006)
Virgil Getto (1992)
Dennis Ghiglieri (1999)
Bob Goodman (2000)
Great Basin Mine Watch (2002)
Mike Haley (2009)
Craig and Tim Hansen (2002)
Harvey’s (1994)
High Country News (1995)
David Hornbeck (2009)
Interpretive Gardens/PInyon Design (2001)
Beth Isasff (2002)
IVGID (2005)
Dan Jaquet (2010)
Joe Johnson, Renewable Energy Lobbyist (2011)
Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful (2007)
Kiley Ranch Preservancy Foundation (2009)
Tom Knudson (1999)
The League to Save Lake Tahoe (2000)
Sheila Leslie (2006)
Local Food System Network:
Including Community Supported Agriculture,
Great Basin Food Co-op, Nevada Farmers
Market Assn. (2007)
Bob Loux (1994)
Susan Lynn (1997)
McDonald Carano Wilson LLP (2005)
Bob Miller (1992)
Glenn Miller (1992)
William Molini (1998)
Tina Mudd (2006)
Frank Mullen (1998)
Karen Mullen (2001)
Tina Nappe (2001)
The Nature Conservancy (2004)
Jim Nelson (1997)
Lynda Nelson (1999)
Neuffer Construction (1995)
Nevada Bell (1993)
Nevada Conservation Corps (2001)
Nevada Land Conservancy (2003)
Nevada Recycling Coalition (1992)
Nevada Wildlife Federation (1995)
Ormat Technologies (2009)
Patagonia (1999)
Grace Potorti (1991)
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe (1993)
REI (2004)
Alicia Reban (2010)
Harry Reid (1993)
Reno City Council (2010)
Reno Gazette-Journal (1994)
Reno News & Review (2003)
Elmer Rusco (1993)
Virginia Sanchez (1994)
Pete Sferrazza (2004)
Sierra Club (1989)
Sierra Pacific Power Company (2007)
Marge Sill (1989)
Silver Peak Restaurant and Brewery (2002)
John Singlaub (2003)
Assemblywoman Debbie Smith (2011)
Doug Smith (2004)
Steve Smith, Bureau of Land Management
and Nevada Wilderness Coordinator (2011)
Gary Snyder (2003)
Rebecca Solnit (2005)
Rose Strickland (1990)
Mark Struble (2009)
Suzanne Sturtevant (1997)
Tahoe Rim Grail Assn. (1999)
Bruce Van Dyke (1993)
Don Vetter (2005)
Sue Voyles (2004)
Rebecca Wagner (2010)
Charles Watson, Sr. (1990)
Stephen Wells (2008)
Western Nevada Clean Communities (1993)
Bill Whitney (2007)
Mary Winston (2010)
Cliff Young (1988)