One Truckee River has extended the deadline for the River Stories and River Photos contests! The deadline is not June 14th.
They have two contests happening right now, with AWESOME prizes awaiting the winners.
Contest #1: River Stories — Share a short story about an experience you’ve had at an event or gathering along the Truckee River (this past weekend’s River Fest counts!).
Contest #2: River Photos — Share a photo you’ve taken along the river and submit in the following categories: From your phone; People; Nature/landscape; Wildlife; Youth photography (ages 5-11 and 12-18)
Winners of the stories contest will read their story to an audience during Artown in July; winners of the photos contest will get their photos put on display in windows of vacant buildings in downtown Reno.
Plus more prizes!! Winners of the contests could win any of the following: Tour of the Tesla gigafactory (stories); free passes to Wildcreek Golf Course (photos); movie tickets (stories); passes to the Aquarange at the GSR (photos); a book by Michael Branch (stories); passes to Wild Island and gift card to Yogurt Beach (photos); or passes to The Bunker/bowling alley at the GSR (photos). Whew, we’re out of breath.
ALL the details and submission can be found at