Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful (KTMB) is kicking off GREENevada’s #watersmart summer campaign to encourage community members to be conservative with water during this multi-year drought. KTMB is working behind the scenes on several water stewardship projects to protect the Truckee River watershed.
KTMB is engaging municipalities, agencies and stakeholders to develop a long-term stewardship plan for the Truckee River, which takes into consideration the needs of all river users in a sustainable way. As our community grows, the pressure on the Truckee River grows with increased drinking water needs and recreation. Currently our municipalities do not have a long-term, holistic plan for keeping the river vibrant and healthy, and we want to make sure one is put in place. We all have a stake in a clean, beautiful Truckee River. Such a plan is ambitious, and would require a lot of inter-agency cooperation, we have had great success with this kind of long-term, inter-agency planning through our Illegal Dumping Task Force, so KTMB is poised to help implement and bring this kind of plan together.
KTMB’s Adopt-A-Spot program allows businesses, community groups and families to adopt sections of roadway for litter removal. We recently expanded this program to include Adopt-A-River so we can engage businesses and residents directly in the health and cleanliness of the Truckee River, as well as include them as stakeholders to protect this important water resource.
Our Watershed Warriors curriculum will be completely focused on ways school children can affect the river’s health and why they need to care about keeping it clean. KTMB will also launch a PSA campaign targeting recreational users in the Truckee Meadows, educating visitors and reminding residents that the river provides our drinking water and we must do all we can to keep it clean.
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