The United States Green Building Council – Nevada Chapter recognized several GREENevada organizations with LEEDership Awards in 2013. The awards program encourages and recognizes outstanding individuals and organizations for their contributions within Nevada. It also serves to increase public awareness of the outstanding services provided by USGBC members, and to emphasize our members’ roles in shaping the community through green building and sustainability excellence. The award categories include the following.
- Advocacy – Given to the individual or organization that has significantly contributed to advocating for sustainability in the built environment.
- LEED – Given to the individual or organization that has promoted or impacted LEED certification in the built environment.
- Education – Given to the individual or organization that has significantly contributed to sustainable education in Southern Nevada.
- Research – Given to the individual or organization who has significantly contributed to sustainable research in Southern Nevada.
- Community – Given to the individual or organization who has significantly contributed to encouraging sustainability in the community.
- Organizational Excellence – Given to the individual or organization that has shown organizational excellence in sustainability.
GREENevada Award Winners
Alliance for Climate Education – Education Organization
David Gibson – Advocacy Individual
Fayth Ross – Education Individual
Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful – Community Organization
Reno Bike Project – Advocacy Organization