Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation is looking for volunteers for their upcoming event on Saturday, August 5th!
The Biggest Little Treasure Hunt is a scavenger hunt through some of Reno’s most breathtaking, scenic, and unique parks. Starting in one of the city’s most popular parks, Idlewild Park, teams of up to six people, will solve clues that take them on a journey through our parks, performing tasks and finding hidden objects to score points along the way. Points will be earned by the teams and then tracked through social media posts leading up to announcing the winners at the big award ceremony beginning at 5:00 p.m.
While the teams are hard at work, the entire community is welcome to enjoy the Treasure Hunt HQ back at Idlewild Park. With vendors, food trucks, live music, bicycle rentals, fun demonstrations, and a craft beer garden, the HQ will be the place to get updates on which teams are in the lead and to enjoy the afternoon in beautiful Idlewild.
The event’s proceeds will help fund and grow our Student Stewards Program, which has introduced over 3,500 underserved Washoe County students to hands-on experiential science. These students, as citizen scientists work like local scientists and researchers strengthening their connection to our natural environment and local parks while developing a love of science and learning.
For this event, volunteers will help in several exciting ways. See positions below for further information.
Flyer/Poster Hangers
Number Needed: 10
Date/Time: Week of July 10
Responsibilities: We need YOUR help advertising this awesome event! Help us advertise by hanging posters around town at various coffee shops, restaurants, bars and where ever else you can think of! We’ll provide some desired poster locations, however we’re open to new poster location suggestions! Your legwork will definitely pay off in getting the word out and people attending.
Registration Table Attendant
Number Needed: 15
Date/Time: Saturday, August 5, 2017 12:00pm – 4:30pm
Responsibilities: We’ve got several hundred registrants and counting and we’ll need your help on the BIG day to help check in and register teams. Your humor and organization skills will help TMPF staff maintain orderly registration process, and make sure attendees are up to speed with the event rules and flow. Help ensure a smooth event start and finish and make sure that all registered attendees are able to get registered, setup, and to the starting line by 2:00pm! It will be fun – and that will add to the fun of the event!
We’ll also be looking for people to check ID’s and hand out wristbands for those over 21 for the $4.00 beer that will flow after 4:00 as our Treasure ‘Hunters’ return.
Event Setup and Take Down
Number Needed: 15
Date/Time: August 5, 2017 – 12:00pm to 3:00pm and 4:00pm – 8:00pm
Responsibilities: So many people and so many clues not to mention tables! At noon we’ll need YOU to help TMPF staff setup tables, booths, registration zones, beer garden zones, certain scavenger hunt components, and event markers (as needed). Not to mention setting up signage for restrooms and beer garden locations. After 4:00 p.m. we’ll need YOU to help TMPF staff takedown booths, tables, markers, etc upon end of the event. Usually there’s leftover beer for those that stick around if you’re of legal drinking age.
Staff Zone and Information Helper/ Float
Number Needed: 12
Date/Time: August 5, 2017 – 1:15pm – 7:15pm
Responsibilities: Searching for treasure is filled with golden opportunities to direct attendees, vendors, sponsors and more to where they need to go. So many people to meet, greet and direct and who knows, maybe even help pick-up a bit of trash. Believe me it will be fun!
TMPF Advocate Volunteer
Number Needed: 2
Date/Time: August 5, 2017 1:30pm – 7:00pm
Responsibilities: Spread the word and good cheer throughout the day and to attendees and participants by being an advocate for the Parks Foundation. Share TMPF’s mission, events and all the opportunities to participate and volunteer and have great conversations along the way! This is a great way to get some experience promoting the Parks Foundation while building your own social skills.
Beer Pourer/ID Check (must be over age 21)
Number Needed: 6
Date/Time: August 5, 2017 3pm-8pm
Responsibilities: If you’re over 21 and especially if you have the credentials to serve alcohol come and share the joy of a cheap ($4.00) beer with our many attendees, participants and volunteers!
For event questions, comments, or want to help and not sure where? Call Linda at 775-453-0094 or email her at