Save the Date! July 31-August 1, 2017 in Las Vegas, NV
Mission NGSS is a two-day workshop specifically designed for K-8th Grade educators. Science Alive launches into how to incorporate Next Generation Science Standards into your classroom through the lens of energy and the environment. We will prepare for a Mission to Mars and will need to identify basic life support systems in order to survive. This hands-on workshop will explore the complexities of energy as it relates to NGSS.
All meals and snacks throughout the 2 days are included. Additionally, participants who complete this FREE teacher training will receive 0.5 in-service credit from the Nevada Dept. of Education.
Limited space is available. Registration is NOW OPEN – Register for this training here!
This workshop is offered through a collaboration of DRI, RPDP of Southern Nevada, and EnergySmart Education (sponsored by NV Energy and SW Gas).
For any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Craig Rosen, Community Engagement and Professional Development Administrator at 702-862-5332.